Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week 12/9 Reflection

     Reflection with regards to my mentorship at Back In the Game Physical Therapy

Social Conscience:
I think the therapists at BIG have every intention to heal patients and get them "Back In the Game." They do their best to educate physical therapy aides like myself and patients. Brendon Blake, the owner and main therapist at each of BIG's three offices, has charitably offered to help employees with different aches and pains, an action that never goes unappreciated. However, I don't see a notable effort to reach further than their offices to make a true difference in the community, which may be due to limited time and resources. The office is still a friendly and inviting place to be, though, and the patients leave with a grateful smile.

Building Your Network:
Brendon does a phenomenal job marketing his business. He makes lasting relationships with patients and their doctors. I believe that I've heard him say that receive the majority of their new patients through doctor and previous patient referrals. Sadly though, I sometimes feel that the relationships and efforts are not motivated by true compassion for people. Money seems to be a driving force and I completely understand this.
I've seen how important remembering names of people and small details about them can be not only in the healthcare field but in life in general. Just going the extra mile of making a mental note to ask about an event a friend was so enthusiastically beaming to you about attending the upcoming weekend can go a long.

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