Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 9/3 Lesson on Debt by Dave Ramsey

My response to:
Lesson on Debt by Dave Ramsey 

"We do not break the bad habit of debt through earning more money, but rather we break any habit by replacing it with a better one."

What do you think this means? 
- I believe that this quote means that earning more money alone does not alter your habits or solve your problem...if you have a habit of spending more than you can afford and you solely increase your income, you will acquire more debt and dig yourself a deeper whole. However, if you replace your poor spending and budgeting habits with smarter and more beneficial habits, you will begin to find your debt solution. 

Are you worried about getting into financial trouble as you get older?
- I have seen family members of my friends and my own struggle with budgeting and debt. I know the burden that debt can place on a person and the strain it can potentially put on relationships. My parents have discussed with me the importance of money management and paying off credit cards. I am confident that I can budget my spending when I am older, but I will always have fear some regarding my financial security in the future. I plan to find a secure job that I enjoy to prevent money from putting stress on me or my family. 

Does money factor in to your culminating project/or career path you have chosen? If so, how? Should money be a major consideration in choosing your life’s path?
- Money plays a huge factor in the music industry. There are rarely guaranteed paychecks as a songwriter. Money is a major consideration when deciding a life path. For your peace of mind and safety/security, it is important to find a job that will meet your needs. To be most successful, you should find a job that you love.

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