Sunday, October 6, 2013

9/30 Bring on the Learning Revolution!


1. What would you pursue or study if you had unlimited time and resources?
If I had unlimited time and resources I would pursue a several degrees including Exercise Science, Songwriting, Psychology, Physical Therapy, Music Pedagogy, and more! Knowledge and gaining expertise excite me. Of course, I would also want to be able to apply myself professionally in each of these areas.

2. Which has more influence, Aptitude or Attitude, and Why?
Attitude has more influence than aptitude. The saying, "Attitude is everything," is justified because an optimistic and grateful attitude will bring far more action and success than simple aptitude without motivation.

3. Do you think that our current grading system needs to be abolished? What alternative do YOU recommend?
Not only does the current A-F grading system need to be reformed, the entire school system needs to be reformed because too many students dread school and do not engage themselves. A more worldly, interactive, and diverse study environment could reignite excitement to learn. Sitting all day in a desk under fluorescent lighting surrounded by cinder block walls is boring and unhealthy. Teachers should take kids into the real world and into nature. Students learn the same subjects every year. More relevant classes such as budgeting, REAL sex education, and world hunger should be offered/required because they would truly benefit people beyond grade school. As far as the A-F grading system, get rid of it! I don't know what to replace it with...but it needs to go! :)

4. Some of the HMP class goals are: to help students develop time management skills, foster a sense of independence and accountability, and real life problem solving. This class requires a lot of student motivation since you are not meeting with a teacher on a daily basis. What areas of improvement or areas of personal growth has this class brought to your attention (time management, procrastination, self advocacy, computer skills, writing or communicating deficits, etc.)?
An area I have grown in because of this program is communication and personal relations. If I do not understand an assignment, I can't just ask the teacher at the end of class; I have to contact Mrs. Killingsworth. Also, my mentorship at the physical therapy office requires that I speak to and interact with people the whole time! I have gained confidence and learned from observing my mentor Brendon Blake's interactions. 
I've also had obtain better time management skills. To get to my mentorship at 7:00 A.M. three days a week requires that I get to sleep at a good time the night before and finish school work, college apps, workouts, etc in a timely fashion. I HAVE to plan. 

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